It's not speculation bro, JZ was pumping him HARD to go to brooklyn. And JZ used that to try to drum up investment. Lebron could have said at anytime that he's not interested, but he didn't and he was asked. Some major sportswriters from around the country were talking about the chatter between Lebron's and JZ's people. This was no speculation bro, had JZ finalized that deal I would not have bet against Lebron going there if the cavs hadn't started to build a solid team around him.
the kevin garnett comparison is retarded. he was never about the big market or wanted to be an endorsement icon. he was happy to be the man in minnesota, he just had no help (minus the one year with spree/cassell).
bro, that was exactly my point. I beleive you misunderstood me. I was saying that Garnett "DIDN'T" go to the celtics because of the big market.........he went because of Allen and Pierce and the two offensive lineman they have that would do the heavy lifting. You need to reread my post bro.
knicks are clearing cap room to land TWO max contract free agents in 2010. They'll have a young core of decent players and mike d'antoni's offense to boot.
Still not sold on it being the knicks.
james wants to be the first billionaire athlete. he is an egomaniac...and he'd love the spotlight of NYC along with the tons of endorsements he'd get to add to his resume. Lets face it, cleveland isn't big enough for him.
You're starting to talk about him like you're one of his boys. I'm not either but him and I grew up a few miles apart and I know guys that went to school with him. He's not as big an egomaniac as you think. That's plainly obvious just by watching him. People who've run into him say he's an alright dude. He's a bit "aloof", like he's got his mind somewhere else....but so would any of us be like that if we were him. Now contrast that to what people have said about Jordan and Kobe. I met an owner of a major league baseball team who talked about what playing golf with jordan was's a whole nother level of "ego". So it's a relative term. All star athletes have "ego's", but the term "egomaniac" implies something different. I have no doubt that it's crossing LJ's mind to leave cleveland. But I also know for a fact that there is ALOT holding him here. If you know his life story you'd understand that if his mom wants him to stay, he's staying....end of discussion.
back to the trade. This was a desperation move. Ferry really believes he needs to win a championship to keep LBJ. Maybe he thinks it can buy him some time, and then maybe pull off a move in 2010 to get a free agent to help LBJ. It's going to backfire. SHaq is going to want the ball, and he's going to clog the middle. Shaq's also going to be 38 years old.
you claim you know alot about basketball yet you don't realize that shaq the last couple years has become the PREMIER interior post passer. He's NOT going to want the ball like he used to. You're totally not giving him enough credit. He wasn't like that in Phoenix where they didn't have a kobe or lebron. If he coexisted long enough with Kobe to win 2 championships, do you seriously not think he's going to be able to play with lebron? That's completely senseless bro. But you're right, he's going to be 38 years old and it was a desperation move. "But", it's a good one. We're only on the hook with him for a year. The cavs MOST CERTAINLY didn't get worse. It just remains to be seen if the move makes us better. No one can know that yet.
The cavs didn't lose to the magic just because of the lack of a defensive presence in the middle. They mostly lost because they had nobody to guard turkoglu and rashard lewis. I might add that shaq is HORRIBLE on the pick and roll is going to get destroyed on it. This does very little to solidify this team
while I agree that they had no one to guard those 7ft guards, doubling down on Howard the whole series didn't help. West and Williams were out of position the entire series. It's like Coach Brown had it in his head that "eventually" they'll stop making outside shots.....and he bet on it by double teaming Howard the entire series. If we don't have to double team Howard "as much", we can send guys out to the perimeter more effectively. Will that necessarily work? I don't know.....I'm not optimistic because Hedo and Lewis are so fucking beast from the outside. ANd yeah, I know that shaq is shit on the pick and roll. But liek I said, we certainly didn't get worse. If Z stays healthy and can play most of the regular season, we can save shaq for the playoffs. And that just might work.