Hey Bro's,
I usually post on another site but I figured this is the place to put this post.
Had a back injury back in 2001 after a heavy leg press set. I felt something give in my back and I couldn't walk for a few days but now I am here at this point TODAY.
I had been having back pain pretty major at times for about 3 weeks. It got really bad one day and I had my wife take me to the ER. They did an xray and found nothing. Gave me pain meds and muscle relaxers and sent me home. 5 hours later I am back at the same ER in excrusiating pain, tears and all. I am no baby by any means and after 28 years of martial arts I thought I knew what pain was. I didn't.. This time I think they realized I wasn't there pain pill "fix". Any movement of my left leg just sent me through the roof. They sent me back for a MRI and 38 minutes later I was being cut open. I had pain shooting down my left ass cheek, down my left leg, and into my foot. No other symptoms except a dribble of piss and that only because I had to really go and the pain was so bad. The Neurosurgeon didn't tell me anything except that I needed to sign the relaease for surgery form and that they had to do the surgery immediately or I stood a chance of permanent paralysis from nerve damage. I barely remember signing the form....they had me so doped up with narcotic pain meds. I woke up in my hospital room after what they said was a 3 1/2 hour surgery from a bone that has broken off at L-5 and had gotten lodged in between L-5 and S-1. So here is the CATCH. They are now telling me I have CAUDA EQUINA SYNDROME. I had none of the symptoms of Cauda Equina except for the pain. I hadn't pissed or shit myself, i didn't have drop foot, i wasn't numb in the groin or have any muscle weakness but after surgery I DO !!! Here are my symptoms after surgery. Numb only on left side of penis and numb testicles (left side) numb perineal, numb left side of my ass. hypersensitive/numb left hamstring, left calf and left foot. The best way to describe the way my foot feels is like having your foot go to sleep, multiply that times 5 and then slap your foot while asleep. It is like that all the time. Hurts to take a step on my crutches. I am unable to flex the left side of my butt, my hamstring, calf, or even able to move my left foot in any direction. My foot just doesn't work. We are looking into legal matters right now since none of this was going on before surgery. What do you guys think ?? Any one here have any medical or legal experience that would like to give me some input..
I usually post on another site but I figured this is the place to put this post.
Had a back injury back in 2001 after a heavy leg press set. I felt something give in my back and I couldn't walk for a few days but now I am here at this point TODAY.
I had been having back pain pretty major at times for about 3 weeks. It got really bad one day and I had my wife take me to the ER. They did an xray and found nothing. Gave me pain meds and muscle relaxers and sent me home. 5 hours later I am back at the same ER in excrusiating pain, tears and all. I am no baby by any means and after 28 years of martial arts I thought I knew what pain was. I didn't.. This time I think they realized I wasn't there pain pill "fix". Any movement of my left leg just sent me through the roof. They sent me back for a MRI and 38 minutes later I was being cut open. I had pain shooting down my left ass cheek, down my left leg, and into my foot. No other symptoms except a dribble of piss and that only because I had to really go and the pain was so bad. The Neurosurgeon didn't tell me anything except that I needed to sign the relaease for surgery form and that they had to do the surgery immediately or I stood a chance of permanent paralysis from nerve damage. I barely remember signing the form....they had me so doped up with narcotic pain meds. I woke up in my hospital room after what they said was a 3 1/2 hour surgery from a bone that has broken off at L-5 and had gotten lodged in between L-5 and S-1. So here is the CATCH. They are now telling me I have CAUDA EQUINA SYNDROME. I had none of the symptoms of Cauda Equina except for the pain. I hadn't pissed or shit myself, i didn't have drop foot, i wasn't numb in the groin or have any muscle weakness but after surgery I DO !!! Here are my symptoms after surgery. Numb only on left side of penis and numb testicles (left side) numb perineal, numb left side of my ass. hypersensitive/numb left hamstring, left calf and left foot. The best way to describe the way my foot feels is like having your foot go to sleep, multiply that times 5 and then slap your foot while asleep. It is like that all the time. Hurts to take a step on my crutches. I am unable to flex the left side of my butt, my hamstring, calf, or even able to move my left foot in any direction. My foot just doesn't work. We are looking into legal matters right now since none of this was going on before surgery. What do you guys think ?? Any one here have any medical or legal experience that would like to give me some input..