I agree w/ Andy's post, and let me clarify in better detail what I was referring to b/c now it's getting out of control. I agree that yes you will lose weight eating 1 snickers a day, a calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight. Now we all know we can modify our diets in various ways to fit our goals, my bottom line in this whole thing was a calorie deficit will make u lose weight. Point and simple as that.
Now when I was referring to eating clean vs not, I was not referring to being able to scarf down donuts as your only food and gain muscle, nor eating saturated fats and accomplishing the same goal. That's ridiculous. I was referring to little cheats here and there, and maybe not the cleanest diet but still not as ridiculous as you make it either. You know for example you need a certain amount of protein, fat and carbs and manipulate them to suit your goals.
I would like to know however, how many people when bulking will eat brown rice over white rice, or not eat any rice or potatoes and just eat veggies. When I'm bulking I do want to enjoy my food, when I'm cutting it becomes a different story. I'm not saying to go eat pounds of lard or snicker bars all day, I'm just saying you might as well enjoy your food. And in the end of bulking, Andy is right, an excess of the calories (as I mentioned) can very well be stored as fat.