Mr.X said:
There are 2 schools of thought when it comes to refeeds/carb-ups. There are the anabolic-diet dieters = eat whatever you want in 1-2 days, and there are the BodyOpus-diet dieters who preach controlled carb-ups based on a strict timing regiment.
I don't take one stance or the other until I know more about the diet, goals and stats of the person.
Mr.X said:
I can't remember your diet, what does that look like? if your diet is dialed in and you're going strong why add the t3?
Below are my stats, goals, gear, diet and supplements for this cycle. I probably don't need the T3, at least not yet. Right now my energy is through the roof and I sweat like a horse all day long.
31yrs old
Goals are to be around 215 8-10%bf.
I am using a hybrid ketogenic diet (TKD/CKD). I am taking Glucorell-R (2 per/meal) with my weekend carb loading phase.
LBM = Protein intake on all days accept for the day before the Carb-up. I drop them to 100 on that day to make certain my body is in ketosis. This way when I start to carb-up my body uses the carbs + Glucorell-R to refill glycogen and continue to use fat for energy. The first two days of the week the carbs are kept below 20 because the carb reloading phase will be plenty to allow for two good workouts. For days 3-5 carbs are kept at 25-50 consumed 30-60 minutes pre-workout (none PWO and only Pre-WO when needed). This should be enough to boost workout performance and not hinder the effects of the ketogenic diet.
Day Cal/day Fat Protein Carbs
1 2400 170 200 >20
2 2400 170 200 >20
3 2400 155 200 50 pre-workout (I only use carbs pre- workout if I feel like I need the energy)
4 2400 155 200 50 pre-workout
5 2400 155 200 50 pre-workout
6 2400 215 100 >20
7 3700 >35 200 650 (Carb-up)
Sust - 550mg/wk wks1-12
Liquidex - .5mg/ed wks1-15
Clen - wks 1-12 (2wks on & 2wks off)
Trib - 1500mg/ed wks12-15
PCT starting 3 weeks after last Sust inj.
Liquidex - .5mg/ed wks16-19
Clomid - 100mg/ed wks16-17 (300mg day 1 only), 50mg/ed for wks 18-19
Trib - 2500mg/ed for wks16-19
I am also supplementing with Creatine (10g/PWO), Nac (1200mg/ed), Taurine (3g/ed), Potassium (1g/ed), B-6 (300mg/ed), Multivitamin (MegaMen), Fish Oils (3g), Flax (3g), Saw-P (500mg/ed) and Tylers Liver Detox. Water = 1gal - 2gal/ed