joking (maybe?). but seriously just wanted to whine for a minute and hear some other opinions
lets go back a few years to me being 19, I meet this 17 year old city chick shes pretty hot. hooked up with her, told her dont expect anything else. Well I kept going back, knew basically nothing about her other than the pussy was good. She says her birth control shot expires, but she doesnt need to be on it anyway cause she doesnt produce eggs. Says the bc shot was just to balance her hormones, and its physically impossible for her to get pregnant.
2 weeks later shes pregnant. have spent a total of maybe 10 hours with this girl. I think oh fuck this is bad. maybe she doesnt want it? how did this happen?
fast forward a little and heres what else goes down
drops out of high school within weeks of finding out
I stay and try to make it work for a miserable year and a half
mom holds a job a month or so every year so she can claim her on her taxes
mom finds addict bf
mom becomes addict
moms never around when I pick the baby up
fight with mom every weekend when its my turn to see her
mom still asks for $ every weekend and denies me seeing my daughter if i say no
mom finds my new girl on FB and messages her telling her we still fuck, new girl never trusts me after that
mom has no car
mom has no lisence
mom gets $800 monthly for having ADD - seriously
moms entire family hates me
mom is also on welfare and food stamps, but sells the food stamps
I finally find a big boy job but I do nothing but travel and when I am home its just long enough to sleep
I guess the only thing is she hasnt hit me for child support yet and thats simply because she cant hold onto money long enough to hire an attorney. Im not gonna lie the path my daughters on is to grow up just like her mom but the small amount of time I get with her I can make little to no impact. And when child support does hit me, ill be 3 years behind even tho Ive paid for everything, Im assuming their going to take 1/3 of my pay so I can just plan on living with mom and dad for life.
I can tell so many more fucked up stories but you get the point. She straight up told me when she was pregnant and mad at me one day that she will tell anybody anything they want to hear to get what she wants. I lent her $100 one time, she said she and the baby were starving and the next time I saw her she had a new tattoo (back of the neck, of course). Its something like this every - single - weekend and to be honest I love my daughter to death but I feel like its been an uphill battle ever since. I guess there aint much I can do but trudge thru it. I try to be a decent person and dad but I was the farthest thing from ready for it, why cant we round these type of people up and bulldoze em off the edge of a cliff. But hey shes got her welfare and obamaphone, I think only america would allow this. Completely capable person sucking the system
moral of the story is wear a rubber and know your going to spend your life with someone before having kids with them.