Carb sources like potatoes, rice and pasta are relatively very cheap compared to protein. If you are looking for cheap protein but detest tuna, try purchasing Optimum Nutrition's 10lb bag of whey for $50, can't beat the price. For protein sources besides supplements try skim milk, and beans, which you can put in chili with some lean ground meat for an excellent meal.
Canned Tuna can contain a some mercury, so it's not in your best health interests to be packing that shit it. I'd say 2 cans of canned tuna, max, daily...
listen to Mustang...that is as cheap as you can get...tuna esspecially...It starts getting expencive when you start buying protein powders and other supps.
if you cannot afford this, get another job! j/k
anyone ever tried this besides me? (its only 44 cents here) It helps to take away the fish flaovr and makes it sort of takste like pork bbq....Just a thought, i know it will add sugar and sodium, but if all your concerned about is money then it might not matter to you. You could also try some no sugar salad dressing....As you can tell, I get tired of the taste of tuna as well. Hope this helps anyone out who doesnt like tuna either.