Burning_Inside Who was the person that did the crum diet on here and it didnt work out too well for them?
Because of a single persons failure to stick to the diet, or fall into the fat "avoiding fat like the plague...and upping carbs to feel full..."i am going to lose muscle- fright" please do not blame the diet...experience has proven this diet to work time and time again...speak to a few professional specifically women bodybuilders if possible and find out how they get shredded..and i am talking about what they actually do..not what you read in muscle and fitness! Many people take GH and fail to see results...can we now assume it doesn't work...lets dig a little deeper then that shall we! Put an honest effort into the; 6-8 weeks, stick it out and you will see! Do some research on the metabolic diet and carb sensitivity...find the threshold of carb intake and experiment...most people are 30-100 grams no incorporate that into the diet and voila! Seek and yea shall find!