Two years of bouncing served me well. I still see buddies get invovled with this shit and I always tell them who they are involved with.
The worst is one friend I have who is an awesome dude and yet seems to have low self-esteem or something. I have another friend who had been in a threesome with his last gf and, after telling him, he asked her about it. She told him it was a lie and then when he told me that's what she said he sort of looked at me to see if I believed it. I was like NOOOOOOOO, please don't make me lose respect for you by simply believing some broad because you she is telling you what you WANT to hear. Dude, you are too old to not have learned from this lesson. Guess how he met his previous gf before this past one? She hit on me one night while we were both bouncing and I told her and her friend to go fuck themselves when they showed me their fresh see-section (spelling?) scars. Ew. So fucking nasty. They were both 18 year old single moms. The next thing I know she's over to my buddy and he's fucking eating the shit up. They dated for two years and she would periodically bring up how she met him after hitting on me. I was always like WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING BRINGING THAT SHIT UP? Moron. It was like she wanted my friend to hate me.
I don't even know how to tell him about the stories I've heard about these girls. I'm pretty fucking anal about who I get involved with because of shit like that. Last year was the first time I ever introduced a girl as my gf.