I'd like to reiterate something Patterson mentioned - I honestly believe, as she, that "calories" themselves mean nothing. CHO/PRO/FAT ratio has meant the most for me throughout the experiments I've done upon myself.
By 'experiments,' I mean, since I majored in Nutrition, throughout college I experiemented with different 'diets.' Almost exclusively calorie fluctuation. For instance. I'm a 22yo male, weight about 170 (give or take 5 lbs), and have about 9-11% body fat depending on the time of year. I've tried every calorie level from 2000 to 4500+ (traveling thru Europe, walking 10+ miles/day). Guess what, I had absolutely no change to my weight or appearance (besides for looking tired as hell on 2k cals). If you're in a healthy state, I believe restricting your calorie will only cause you to have less energy. You see, your body is trying to stay alive. If you eat less, it must decrease it's activity to stay in balance, otherwise you'd begin to starve... that's bad. Your body will not let that happen if at all possible. The result = you eat less, thus you have less energy, yet don't lose any weight. What fun is that!? Ack. I'd rather have the energy to workout and build more muscle than feel/look like crap and waste away.
Also, when I was walking 10+miles a day during the month I was in Europe, I didn't gain a pound even though I ate everything in site. I actually ate an entire jar of peanut butter one day (they don't sell peanut butter in Europe, so once I found one, I went to town!).
My point? Counting calories doesn't work, at least not for active individuals. It may work for couch-patato housewives on Jenny Craig, but not for us. Stop counting calories, watch your CHO/PRO/FAT ratios, stay away from too much sugar/refined foods, and enjoy yourself. Your body will thank you for not starving it for once.

By 'experiments,' I mean, since I majored in Nutrition, throughout college I experiemented with different 'diets.' Almost exclusively calorie fluctuation. For instance. I'm a 22yo male, weight about 170 (give or take 5 lbs), and have about 9-11% body fat depending on the time of year. I've tried every calorie level from 2000 to 4500+ (traveling thru Europe, walking 10+ miles/day). Guess what, I had absolutely no change to my weight or appearance (besides for looking tired as hell on 2k cals). If you're in a healthy state, I believe restricting your calorie will only cause you to have less energy. You see, your body is trying to stay alive. If you eat less, it must decrease it's activity to stay in balance, otherwise you'd begin to starve... that's bad. Your body will not let that happen if at all possible. The result = you eat less, thus you have less energy, yet don't lose any weight. What fun is that!? Ack. I'd rather have the energy to workout and build more muscle than feel/look like crap and waste away.
Also, when I was walking 10+miles a day during the month I was in Europe, I didn't gain a pound even though I ate everything in site. I actually ate an entire jar of peanut butter one day (they don't sell peanut butter in Europe, so once I found one, I went to town!).

My point? Counting calories doesn't work, at least not for active individuals. It may work for couch-patato housewives on Jenny Craig, but not for us. Stop counting calories, watch your CHO/PRO/FAT ratios, stay away from too much sugar/refined foods, and enjoy yourself. Your body will thank you for not starving it for once.