I know the just tired... it's sounding more like you ran outta gas with the training... kinda blah, bored etc (unless by chance GG is right and you got a bun in the oven) ...cindylou said:did you eventually resolve your problem? (I'm assuming you did lol) Thru alternative treatment?
I REALLY enjoy an alternative choice to medical issues when it can be handled that way. I haven't 'seen the light' with the Acupuncture

Maybe treat yourself to a spa day or massage and just spoil yourself if you can in some way.
I agree with trying to liven up the training somehow or make it fun again, just something to get you moving, sometimes it just takes time or an event or one day you want to train again.
But, if things just aren't right (and i KNOW what you mean by that, my 3 docs couldn't find anything wrong with me) I went the chiro who specializes in the holistic good stuff and he does these little tests to asses potential issues. Try to imagine laying on your back & raising your right arm up, like a lever... he would apply gentle pressure to certain points/meridians on your body, i.e. the liver & kidney are usually the points that are blocked with me, then take your arm and (gently) try to push it down while activating the point with one hand, and trying to push down the level with his other hand, while you try to resist him pushing it down. Just wanted to explain b/c it's not anything painful or creepy, well unless you are in pain of course.
Not sure if you have access to someone that specializes in a holistic and natural approach to health care but I enjoy it.