Deep Squats set after set after set....I usually end with leg press with 495 on it with 10 reps, 8 second rest, 10 reps, 8 second rest, 10 reps, 8 seconds rest, 10 reps, 8 second rest, 10 reps
bg, on those deep squats, what is your foot position? because im so tall i have to compensate for the long torso/ leverage thing. i squat w/ my feet w -i- d- e and forward , toes at the base of the smith front support. also i saw ...maybe spattts, telling someone to make sure theyre using glutes and hams instead of thighs. whats the best way to do this??
I don't think there really is a best way to do it, it all depends on your body and if it can handle a certain position comfortably and what area's you are more wanting to focus on. I do bodybuilding style which is a narrow stance, the feet are about shoulder width apart. I always wrap my knee's on anything over my bodyweight.
yes, I don't know if it's more a mental thing of making the knee joint feel real tight, or if it actually physically helps, but I wouldn't lift anything over my bodyweight without them, I just don't like putting that much pressure on my joints without there being some kind of support there, I do plenty of work without the wraps under my bodyweight so the tendons/ligaments are strong, but there is no way I would try over my body weight without them since they are not used to that weight.