somone brought up when he played for pittsburg, that was almost 10 years ago. I'm we're all not same as we were 10 years ago.
Ya no shit!!! Safe to say anyone can changfe in 10 years,
Who cares is he's a dick? Most of these athletes are dicks, I admire them for their skill, not for their personalities. If they happen to be cool then even better. If he was such a prick then his family wouldn't be there right? I hope he breaks the fucking record just because everyone is rooting against him, plus he's been getting garbage pitches thrown to him
"Most" are dicks? And you know this how??? Oh let me guess you know this because you know lots of athletes personally right? Not because of what some fish wrap -piece of shit -want to get a story -and ask all the bullshit questions and hope he says something negative about the other team or anything in general "reporter".
The MEDIA is garbage. Listen to interviews.....these fuckheads try to ask questions that will set the guys up.....then if they don't say exactly what the fish hack wants they twist it to portray the athlete as they want him/her portrayed.