I would have to disagree with the crossed legs meaning sexual repulsion...I cross my legs a lot, but it's more for comfort than anything else. Also, a woman knows her legs look sexy when they're crossed. I sit with my legs crossed when I'm readin stuff in the Sheets half of the time...won't say what I'm doing for the other half.
I'm not talk ing about just sitting down in a chair and crossing your legs. I'm talking about if you're in a doctor's waiting room, and you suspect a man is staring at you, and you don't find him attractive, and his non-verbal advances are not welcome, you may subconciously cross your legs, closing off the area to let him know it's off-limits. It's basically a law of human behavior.
Obviously there will be times when you're crossing your legs for comfort or to appear lafy-like.
I think these are too vague. I had a girl make obvious 'eye contact' with me, even after she told me she was getting back with her boyfriend.
and the hair playing happens all the time around me too, i even see girls playing with their hair when they're not talking to anybody.
It doesn't always signal 'she wants you.'
I`ve noticed that the women I talk to ALL do the same thing. What does that mean? When I say something to them they point straight up at the ceiling??? with thier middle finger. Is that a sign?