New member
How many calories are you taking in on non-workout days?
Good conditioning!
I don't know my daily total calorie intake (which sounds bad for someone trying to be a good example, LOL)... Educated guess is the 2500 range; 10% fats. If I get a chance while this thread is still alive, I'll try to get a total. My metabolism is fairly slow, so I tend to do better on 3 meals plus 2 or 3 in-betweens.
I usually eat about the same amount every day, maybe adding a whey shake or two on heavier workout days, or Sundays when I ride the track (dirt bike). Basically, I try to eat just before I'm hungry, so as to never crave or overeat. It seems to work for me, but I've seen the same exact routine crash & burn for others. One thing for sure: After I got past my early 20s, I started getting body fat much more easily, and I have to be extremely careful about WHAT KIND of calories I eat. Even if I've been in the weight room for 2 hours, and then rode for the whole afternoon, I won't eat a burger & fries.