Week 3 Day 1
I bumped all three weights by another 5Kg from last week's weights. This means I'm now 2.5Kg over what were my projected week 4 weights so all's well so far. I'm not sure that I'll be able to cope with the same again on Bench but I expect I'll bump by another 5Kg on Squat and Deadlift for week 4.
This is the same weight on squats I had for Monday in week3 last 5x5 and I grunted and groaned my way through the five sets back then. I did six sets today and it felt about right. It looks like exercise really does make one stronger. Thighs were still tight from last week but they loosened out about half-way through.
Bench was fine but I'm still mentally adjusting to doing 6 reps rather than the 5 reps of the 5x5. I'm finding the narrower grips easier than when I started, which is good. My usual, wide, grip might be paying the penalty. I did equal numbers of each grip today and probably shall through the week. I'm not sure my triceps could have gone for a 7th set.
I was sucking vapour by the time deads came around. I felt hungry and tired and wanted to go home. Six sets later I decided it was enough but then a stray thought came into my head to do some curls. I reckoned that if I had energy for curls then I could do another set of deads instead so I did. My back was mostly coping today. Not sure my form is as good as it needs to be.
All weights in Kilos
Bench: N - Narrow, S - Shoulder width, W - Wide
ATF Squat: 20x10 for 2 sets, 40x8, 60x5, 80x3, 100 x 5 for 6 sets
Bench: 20x10NW, 40x8SN, 60x5SW, 80x2NS, 92.5 x 6 for 6 sets WSNSWN - last rep of last set was a struggle to lock out
Deadlift: 60x10, 80x8, 100x5, 120x2, 125 x 5 for 7 sets