Well, I was at the gym and doing bench. I'd just done the 60% Squats and, as I sat there wondering whether to do a 3x3 or a 5x5, I thought maybe a 1x1 would be pleasant. I worked through the warmups and my side wasn't bothering me at all. On top of which I was only a couple of days out from where I would have been on the bench without the interruption. I thought go for it.
I'll probably try for the weights on Squats, too, but I'm more messed up with the scheduling on that. I might try for 140Kg on Monday. Deads are a complete no-no.
I did some rows today but got to 60Kg (135) and my side had the barest hint of a complaint. Rather than stress it, I did a very comfy 3 sets of 8 at the weight. It's been a while since I last rowed so I'm not unhappy with that. I started to mess around with some GMs but my heart wasn't in it so I did some abs and went home.
With a couple of PRs almost in my grasp it'd be shameful not to stretch for them if I feel I safely can.