I think I suffer from periodic binge eating disorder. About once or twice a week, I go crazy, devouring copious amounts of grains, fruit and nuts. I might consume 4000-5000 calories in 1/2 an hour.
I am not overweight (5'6; 71kg; 9-10% bf), but I feel this issue is affecting my bulk, because my desire to not get fat means I subconsciously diet for 2 days following the binge, or do extreme amounts of cardio. Sometimes I know that the binges are probably not damaging me because I just get diarohhea the next day and shit it all out; but this isn't always true.
Has anyone had this problem and found anything helpful - articles, techniques? Something that does often work for me is to drink 1 litre of diet coke when I fear a binge will occur. Alternatively, I might eat an entire cabbage.
However, neither of these are real solutions and particularly the former is not healthy and the latter is not fun.
I am not overweight (5'6; 71kg; 9-10% bf), but I feel this issue is affecting my bulk, because my desire to not get fat means I subconsciously diet for 2 days following the binge, or do extreme amounts of cardio. Sometimes I know that the binges are probably not damaging me because I just get diarohhea the next day and shit it all out; but this isn't always true.
Has anyone had this problem and found anything helpful - articles, techniques? Something that does often work for me is to drink 1 litre of diet coke when I fear a binge will occur. Alternatively, I might eat an entire cabbage.
However, neither of these are real solutions and particularly the former is not healthy and the latter is not fun.