Well, it's not that I'm feeling a ton of energy or anything like that. I'm on my 3rd week of the single-factor program and seem to have missed the strength gain that I was planning on having this week and am a little upset. On benching, my top set is my absolute 5-rep max, and between sets 2 and 3, 3 and 4, and 4 and 5, I lock out and hold the bar for anywhere from 5-15 seconds. Another problem could be the fact that I'm on a caloric deficit and have the main goal of losing fat right now, and I have 40 or 50 pounds of fat to lose before I'm at the place I want to be at, so strength gain is secondary but I'm still willing to do anything I possibly can to try to up my lifts since they're so incredibly pathetic.
Aren't people supposed to up their lifts 5-10 pounds every week on the 5x5? I've only been upping by 5 and this is only my 3rd week yet I died bench-pressing today. My last rep on my top set took around 5-10 seconds of pushing with everything I had to actually get it up. Even though I'm a novice lifter, I start to wonder if I'd be better suited doing a more intense version of the 5x5 than the single-factor one posted on the main page of this thread.
I'll upload my current routine for this week so someone can critique it or something or recommend anything. I'll also upload my food log for last week so anyone can tell me if my food intake is a problem when trying to gain strength since my main goal is fat loss.