For real, I would be very interested to find out what Dr Scruggs calls a low dose. He suggests 50-100mg per week for serious bodybuilders, half of this for women that just want to look good, and "low doses" for post menopausal women. This sounds about right to me. I'm guessing low doses would be less than 25mg per week.
Dose of test and ester is WarLobos department LOL. It depends on sooooo many factors is that all I can say is to start with a low dose of a fast acting ester, and work your way up. Individual variation in bodyfat, aromatase activity, receptor density and sensitivity will all impact on how much a woman can take (just like in males). It's just that the bar is lowered for females. If you want to guarantee absolutely NO SIDES then a female should not use AAS at any dose or ester. So clearly one's goals become important in deciding how to progress. Some sides (temporary or permanent) are inevitable with time and dose. Postmenopausal women have often already got deepened, cracking voices, increased facial hair and relatively larger clit compared to their youth. These masculine characteristics are inevitable if a chick lives long enough!
So none of that helps ya design a cycle for a female novice. Test prop every other day (15-30mg) should be OK, but is a pain in the butt to administer. Not only literally, but you need to be able to make up a sterile dilution. If you can somehow get Adnerderm or Testoderm patches, these would be my pick. They need to be cut into smaller patches and 'stuck' to the skin, but they deliver the most natural and physiological doses of test commercially available. The minimization of test spikes with these patches is really sensible for females IMHO. For any of the longer acting IM esters, I suggest a single injection followed by a washout period to wait for sides. For instance, a single shot (half a vial) of Sust 250. After 3 weeks, if all is well then you could try a 125mg shot on weeks one and three, then do another wash out period. If all goes well, then bump it up to 125mg every 2 weeks for as long as sides are acceptable. Then it can be bumped up again if needed. I would be very surprised if a novice female couldn't make great gains on 125mg Sust every 2 weeks......As you can see, the main thing is to not be in a hurry for results. If a female has a show in 12 weeks, then she should go natty, or accept the risk of permanent virilization with test. Or splash out and get some Anavar for cutting. Well that's one woman's opinion anyway.