Thank you much, guys. I appreciate taking the time to give me some feedback.
TallChinese... the only thing I do is take it easy, and warm up and stretch out REALLY well before and after your lift. It's boring as hell, but it's worth it. Shoulders I hit Military (in front of the head, not behind the neck, those would put me out of the gym for a month) Lateral raises, and hit rear delt on the Pec Dec.
If I try to do Arnold Presses, or dumbell military of any kind, it puts me out. It's very hard to work around.
The main thing I don't do for chest is try to push insane weight. If I can't hit 4 reps, the set is pointless in my opinion. If my shoulder hurts at any point during any set, I stop the set, and stretch a bit, then try again. If it won't allow me to continue, my chest day is done.
Wish I had the miracle cure... but I just work around it.
Thanks again for all the positive feedback, everyone. I really do appreciate it. Helps me feel at least someone appreciates it... since my lady doesn't seem to.