Well, there are pills and machines that can help.
But if you're looking for a quick fix. Try getting a colonic from a certified specialist - it's not quite the same thing as a DIY enema. You won't lose as much as ten pounds, but it's an option often overlooked. And as foul and as uncomfortable as it can be.
And there's surgery to be had but it's costly if you're just going to head back into same habits right after. Its' not a quick fix in itself. And you need to keep up the work to maintain it afterwards.
Cardio is great and keeping your metabolism up is great (in moderation to your own body's needs) aerobics (more often in women) may lead to questionable depositing in trouble areas you might be trying to avoid... but a good way if you're like me and most of it floats to your gut. Try using a belly board at the pool, river, lake better yet ocean or a pool with some resistence or waves... on a consistent basis. Helps tone your legs and arms, and it does wonders for your abs. Of course it makes me want to smack around the surfers with a great pack that's never done a situp in his life. Shark Bait.
If you want to look the part, then get yourself a compression vest. If you an inhale deep and go a size smaller, say this is for a formal event, as often the quick fixes are. You can look the part as long as you don't have to move much, eat much or exhale.
There's a lot of factors to consider in... location you're trying to trim. I can lose weight no problem, but body fat has a habit of sticking around longer than it should and water retention sometimes gets the better of me, even when I am using all the products out there. So it's patience and remembering, if you're going for a change of what you eat - a diet is a lifestyle, not a temporary fix.