Anybody said:Is casein a good idea or is it better to go with a fast-absorbing protein like whey for protein shakes if you plan on drinking a lot of them?
Whey isolate is good around your workouts but milk isolate is the best general use protein IMO. It's 20% whey/80% casein and being microfiltered it maintains the whey and casein microfractions intact. You get the benefits of both a whey and a casein protein for a very lucrative price. Milk Isolate also maintains large amounts of the mineral nutrient value of milk, like magnesium and calcium. Finally, it has very little lactose so can be used by those who are intolerant unlike a concentrate.
Caseinates are acid processed which denatures the protein and destroys the microfractions. Micellar caseins avoid this by seperating the whey and casein and then microfiltering without using acid processing but is much more expensive than milk isolate. Whey illicits a large initial anabolic response due to it's extremely rapid absorption but this seems to be a double edged sword. The Boire study found that a substantial percentage of amino acids from a whey isolate were converted to simple glucose, probably due to the rapid influx of a large amount aminos.