I had a hard time choosing between chins and deads, but I had to say chins. For me, my back is definitely a strong point and I don't deadlift much, I do however, do a lot of versions of chins. So that's what I equate it to.
Nothing has even come close to developing my lats the way chins have.Shoulder-width chins using a parallel grip or supinated grip are the variations that work best for me.
I didnt see that >>> cable pulldowns?? Who voted that thats almost impossible if you ask me. I could be wrong but a cable exercise like pulldowns couldnt affect your back too much could it?
Whatsup bro thanks for the reply I was wondering what type of pullovers did you do that impacted your lats so much? Dumbbell pullovers, barbell, or cable? Dumbbell pullovers really focusing on the stretch and all that really helped out my lats I think. Especially up top right under my armpits..
Blood_Drinker... I have never referred to any triceps exercise as a pulldown only because your not pulling with your tris your pushing. I have always called them triceps pressdowns or triceps pushdowns. And I always called cable pulldowns for your lats not lat pulldowns I dont know why. Sorry for any confusion bro.