I suppose you start out on decline bench also.LOL.......Your bench probably sucks because of where your positioning hands on bar and how you go about your routine. Mine used to suck when I went wide, then I moved grip in to just a little over shoulder width. Plus, try starting with set of 8 for several weeks. Start at something easy for 8 and increae weight each week, still shooting for 8. If you only get 7, fine. Then do sets of 6 a couple weeks, then 5's, then 3's. Then start doing one all out set for a double and then a cool down sets. This iswhen it gets fun. Nothing like 500lbs for a double and then 315 for12 or 14. Finally , you should finish up with a single blast max. Hopefully, your doing one's for atleast a couple weeks. Its really powerlifting principles............galaxy