Its not a lack of good training. I make very sure to workout my back and core as well as every other area evenly. It may very well be the diet, I only eat three meals a day, none of which are sizeable. I dont exactly have the means to eat 7500 calories a day though.
as far as my training regiment goes, I am training for strength. Not to show off, I'm an athlete, a shotputter/ discus thrower, and I'm not interested in making friends and impressing ladies. Im in it to fuckin win andget stronger, thats all.
It usually looks something like this for upper body:
MON: Flat Bench heavy 5 reps x 7 sets (last set is a superset of still relatively heavy weight for 10-12 reps). Cable flys heavy 10 reps x 4sets. Clean and jerks heavy 5 reps x 5 sets. Shoulder press med. heavy 5 reps x 5 sets. Core work is done with a medicine ball ranging from 12-20 lbs. Bodyweight reverse pulls.
TUES: Throwing day, no weight training.
WED: Incline Bench heavy 5 reps x 7 sets. Decline DB bench heavy 5 reps x 5 sets. Power snatches heavy 5 reps x 5 sets. Same core work is done. Bodyweight reverse pulls.
THURS: Throwing day, no weight training.
FRI: Rest day.
SAT: Flat bench 12,10,8,6,10 reps x 5 sets. Incline DB bench 10 or 8 reps x 4 sets. Decline bench 12 reps x 4 sets. Bodyweight reverse pulls. Push ups between each set of bench, 25 reps. BB curls 15-20 reps x 4 sets. DB skullcrushers 12 reps x 4 sets. Light core work.
SUN: Rest day.
Thats the basic skeleton of it. Unfortunately on the weekdays there isnt much I can do as far as the routing goes, what coach says goes. but suggestions?