For all practical purposes I am new to weight training (It's been years). I hear a lot of talk about overtraining and don't want to do anything counter productive.
I know that I can workout to often and to long. I hear people talking about lifting to failure and beyond failure. Exactly what is lifting to failure? You obviously don't mean lifting till you can't because you can always take a break or decrease weight.
Also I know some people start light and work up and some start heavy and work down, which is proper/best?
Arn't some muscle groups harder to overwork? I used to workout with a guy that said calves and shoulders could take more punishment than I could give them twice a week. Is this true?
Please help.
I want to build up not phuck up.
I know that I can workout to often and to long. I hear people talking about lifting to failure and beyond failure. Exactly what is lifting to failure? You obviously don't mean lifting till you can't because you can always take a break or decrease weight.
Also I know some people start light and work up and some start heavy and work down, which is proper/best?
Arn't some muscle groups harder to overwork? I used to workout with a guy that said calves and shoulders could take more punishment than I could give them twice a week. Is this true?
Please help.
I want to build up not phuck up.