Hey fellas,
So a couple of years ago my track coach came to us with this type of lifting shown to him by a friend of his. At first I was skeptical, just as everyone is when they are doing less weight. But he made a believer sure enough, and this way of lifting contractable muscles will get you swoled. Specifically with the arms, if you are struggling to put on arm mass, this workout put a few inches on my arms easily.
My coach called it "Biometrics". It was a technique designed to get full contractioon and release of the muscles causing a fast and lasting burn that allows you to really feel your muscles being ripped. BUT, possibly the even better part is that it minimizes lactic acid build up in the muscles due to the less weight pulling on your fibers. This leads to minimal soreness the next day and maximum muscle growth unimpeeded by lactic acid. It also gives you ridiculous pumps
I know it sounds kind of sketchy that you can get such a sick arm workout and great pumps along with size increase without a lot of soreness.........thats what I said too, but bear with me. try this once, you'll see what Im talking about.
Okay, now that all of that is out of the way we can get to the lifting style (some of you might already think this way. if youre one of those guys youll know whawhat i mean.)
For our example we will use the biceps: the easiest contractable muscle group for this particular style.
First things first. This lift will be SLOW. So dont try to go fast or to use heavy weight. Humble yourselves young grasshoppers.
The second important thing is to think about contracting the muscle, NOT MOVING THE WEIGHT. What this means is just that you should essentially forget that you have a weight in your hand. Instead, think about this:
Your bicep attaches at two points: your shoulder and your elbow joint (obviously the opposite side of the elbow and the part of your shoulder closest to your armpit). Instead of moving the weight, think about pulling those two points together. This is crucial to the importance of the lift. This will also be mean that at the top of your curl/crunch etc., there will NOT be a rest like you would if you were lifting like a lot of people do: at the top of your excercise, your muscle will be completely contracted and it.....will......BUUUURRRRRNNNN . Also, usually I like to hold the dumbbell sideways rather than like a traditional curl. It helps me isolate my biceps from everything else and I forget the weight is in my hand.
You should hold the lift at the top for one second before descending. On your descent, try to keep your bicep flexed the entire time. It is hard to do, but if you are trying you will still get the desired effect regardless of relative success. Rinse, wash and repeat. It is also very important that your muscle does not get any rest, so you need to try to flex it the whole time and cannot pause at the bottom. It also helps to just not completely extend your arm so that you make sure you dont get that bounce off of the elbow or any help from the forearm.
You will probably only be able to do about 4 or 5 reps by your third set or so because your muscles will be so tired from constant flexing. I also like to change the elevation of whatever platform I am using. For example, on curls I like to do my first set at about 100 degrees, my second set at about 120 degrees and my third set at about 150 degrees, and then back up to the most elevated. (from a right facing right angle.)
The same goes for abs; think of the top point right under your ribs and the bottom point on your waistline. Contract them and hold and release the same way you would the bicep. Use the same process.
You will get great swell and pumps and you'll be thinking ".....im not going to be able to get out of bed tomorrow....." but you will be surprised. Its a great way to put on muscle mass when done right.
Some of you might already think this way, I know it made sense to me once someone explained it to me and I've never diverged. Ive tried other ways and I always come back to this one for core and arms at least. You might also decide that you like this for some muscles and dont like it for other muscle groups. Thats how I've done it. I used to do it for every muscle group, but I've decided I like heavier bench press along with some other lifts.
This is also not for everyone, especially if you cant handle the light weight like a lot of my buddies. So give it a shot and give me your feedback, I think you'll all like it or at least see what Im talking about. Try it out on different muscles, let me know whats gud.
So a couple of years ago my track coach came to us with this type of lifting shown to him by a friend of his. At first I was skeptical, just as everyone is when they are doing less weight. But he made a believer sure enough, and this way of lifting contractable muscles will get you swoled. Specifically with the arms, if you are struggling to put on arm mass, this workout put a few inches on my arms easily.
My coach called it "Biometrics". It was a technique designed to get full contractioon and release of the muscles causing a fast and lasting burn that allows you to really feel your muscles being ripped. BUT, possibly the even better part is that it minimizes lactic acid build up in the muscles due to the less weight pulling on your fibers. This leads to minimal soreness the next day and maximum muscle growth unimpeeded by lactic acid. It also gives you ridiculous pumps
I know it sounds kind of sketchy that you can get such a sick arm workout and great pumps along with size increase without a lot of soreness.........thats what I said too, but bear with me. try this once, you'll see what Im talking about.
Okay, now that all of that is out of the way we can get to the lifting style (some of you might already think this way. if youre one of those guys youll know whawhat i mean.)
For our example we will use the biceps: the easiest contractable muscle group for this particular style.
First things first. This lift will be SLOW. So dont try to go fast or to use heavy weight. Humble yourselves young grasshoppers.
The second important thing is to think about contracting the muscle, NOT MOVING THE WEIGHT. What this means is just that you should essentially forget that you have a weight in your hand. Instead, think about this:
Your bicep attaches at two points: your shoulder and your elbow joint (obviously the opposite side of the elbow and the part of your shoulder closest to your armpit). Instead of moving the weight, think about pulling those two points together. This is crucial to the importance of the lift. This will also be mean that at the top of your curl/crunch etc., there will NOT be a rest like you would if you were lifting like a lot of people do: at the top of your excercise, your muscle will be completely contracted and it.....will......BUUUURRRRRNNNN . Also, usually I like to hold the dumbbell sideways rather than like a traditional curl. It helps me isolate my biceps from everything else and I forget the weight is in my hand.
You should hold the lift at the top for one second before descending. On your descent, try to keep your bicep flexed the entire time. It is hard to do, but if you are trying you will still get the desired effect regardless of relative success. Rinse, wash and repeat. It is also very important that your muscle does not get any rest, so you need to try to flex it the whole time and cannot pause at the bottom. It also helps to just not completely extend your arm so that you make sure you dont get that bounce off of the elbow or any help from the forearm.
You will probably only be able to do about 4 or 5 reps by your third set or so because your muscles will be so tired from constant flexing. I also like to change the elevation of whatever platform I am using. For example, on curls I like to do my first set at about 100 degrees, my second set at about 120 degrees and my third set at about 150 degrees, and then back up to the most elevated. (from a right facing right angle.)
The same goes for abs; think of the top point right under your ribs and the bottom point on your waistline. Contract them and hold and release the same way you would the bicep. Use the same process.
You will get great swell and pumps and you'll be thinking ".....im not going to be able to get out of bed tomorrow....." but you will be surprised. Its a great way to put on muscle mass when done right.
Some of you might already think this way, I know it made sense to me once someone explained it to me and I've never diverged. Ive tried other ways and I always come back to this one for core and arms at least. You might also decide that you like this for some muscles and dont like it for other muscle groups. Thats how I've done it. I used to do it for every muscle group, but I've decided I like heavier bench press along with some other lifts.
This is also not for everyone, especially if you cant handle the light weight like a lot of my buddies. So give it a shot and give me your feedback, I think you'll all like it or at least see what Im talking about. Try it out on different muscles, let me know whats gud.