PANTS said:
Thanks bros, good info here.
Zyglamail any other ab exercises that incorporate recipricol inhibition into the exercise?
Not really that incorporate recipricol inhibition. In order to use that, you need to work the opposing muscle group. However, there are many decent exercises that can isolate abs or work the abs agains the hip flexors so they grow together and one doesnt overpower the other.
Depending on just how weak someones abs are can be dificult to tell if they have powerfull hip flexors. The key to most exercises is that the spine stay pressed firmly against the floor. For example, look at the leg raise, when most people do it their spine will be arched and the hip flexors will be doing the majority of the lifting. To counter this, lay on your back, concentrate on pushing spine into the floor, pull knees up to chest and straighten legs so your heels are pointed toward the ceiling. Now, slowly lower your legs, but they key is the spine must remain firmly on the floor. As you lower in most people you will notice as they get toward the floor the spine will pull away from the floor. That is the point when the abs no longer have the strength and the hip flexors kick in and are able to pull the spine off the floor. Once spine comes off the floor pull knees into chest and that is one rep. You only want to lower your legs to the point where you cant keep spine on the floor, going past that point no longer works the abs. Repeat this 3-5 times for 3-5 sets. Once you can do 5 sets of 5 while lowering feet all the way to the floor and keeping spine firmly agains the floor you will have one strong set of abs. At this poubt add ankle weights, boots or what ever to increase tension.
Another exercise involves the old ab wheels, however once again spine position is critical to concentrating on the abs. Kneel down with hands on ab wheel, tuck your butt so spine is rounded, now slowly move wheel away from you. As you do so they key is tomaintain a rounded spine. Once the spine is pulled toward the ground your no longer working abs but hip flexors. The goal is that the hip flexors cant overpower the abs, this will lead to more stability.
You can do similar exercise without the wheel and directly pit the hip flexors against the abs to make them both grow together or even out any imbalances. Lay on your stomach stretch arms up overhead, balls of feet on the ground. Weight on your elbows, contract your abs and lift your body off the floor just a couple inches. Hold position for 3-5 seconds then lower and rest 3-5 seconds and repeat for 3-5 reps. Rest 3-5 minutes and do 3-5 sets total. If you cant hold yourself up for 3-5 seconds bring elbows back closer to body. If you can hold it for more than 5 seconds move elbows farther away from your body.
I saw a guy (pavel) lay flat out on the floor, ab wheel in hand, body and arms fully extended. He contracted and snapped up so his hands and feet came together, quite impressive.