Well it depends on what you are willing to risk for more mass etc. If you are wanting to get huge and ripped beyond what is humanly possible in such a short amount of time, then hey, try steroids....but you have to weigh the consequences. If you use AS you will get big and ripped, but it will only last for as long as you are on the cycle! When you go off the cycle (or run out of $$), you will lose the size you had..unless you KEEP cycling the drugs. Then, this is where it becomes dangerous (possible long-term side-affects!)..unless you are fortunate enough to be under the supervision of a medical doctor while on the cycles. Most people are not this fortunate.
You have to look at the pros and cons. Are you willing to keep cycling AS?? If not, then you are most likely wasting your time and money, cuz those gains you get from AS don't stay with you when you go off.
So in the end you have to decide what is worth it, not worth it, when it comes to your health. Personally, it is much more respected, safer, legal, and less expensive to earn your muscle mass the natural way. You will know it was all done with ALL of your hard work and not ASSISTED with the use of drugs. It may take you longer to get the mass you want, but it will be all that much more worth it, believe me! And don't forget, anything is possible with a lot of hard work, dedication, SMART training and knowledge!
I am not saying that the guys on AS don't work as hard as naturals, but they are paying for it in one way or another. Stick to what you feel is right. I would go on to say that it is ONLY worth it to go on AS if you are a high level competitor who needs that edge to compete with the other fellow competitors who are also on AS. But even then, is it worth it?? That is up to you.
I hope this helps!
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