The article basically says for non-endurance trainers to eat:
.08grams Carbs per kg Bodyweight
.04grams Protein per kg Bodyweight
immediately after workout.
Could you or anyone recommend a excellent sample post drink? He says liquid nutrition is best tolerated.. Based on my weight it would need to be 33protein, 66carbs. I have been drinking a plain 50gram protein Isopure shake post workout.
"One study showed that if the post-workout beverage was consumed immediately after training, glycogen synthesis was three times higher than if the beverage was consumed just two hours later. So the sooner you drink the drink, the better the recovery rate.
Secondly, with respect to the types of carbohydrate and protein to consume, it's clear that immediately after training, liquid nutrition is best tolerated (8,15). Since liquid nutrition is more rapidly digested and absorbed, nutrients are more rapidly delivered to the muscle."