This is Chat Board material - move it there.
To answer your question, I help train guys in techniques to meet and seduce women. You are using a "man's" way of evaluating a potential sex partner, which is quite different from the way that a lot of women judge such things.
Sure, women must be attracted to a man on some level, and the more attractive he is, the better.
However, a woman's overall asessment of how desireable a man is can, and in most cases is, based upon much more than just his looks.
Plus, women will go so far as to actually believe that an otherwise (physically) unattractive man, who has a lot of OTHER great qualities, actually IS physically attractive.
Great example - women will look at some Star, or Performer, who is UGLY, but she "sees" him as attractive.
Or, she will talk to a man who is otherwise not attractive, but the way he talks, what he says, what he asks, how he expresses himself ...... this make her become attracted to him.
And that WORKs. Trust me. We teach men how to do it all the time. Its a different way of think about the entire subject, but its very effective.