Incline barbell Bench, Incline Flyes (Or would flat flyes be better?), Flat Barbell Bench, Dips, Close Grip Bench
Quads & Hams
Squats, Stiffleg Deadlifts, Front Squat, Leg extensions
Military Press, Shrugs, Upright Rows, Front DB raises, Clean & Press
Calves, Abs, Forearms
standing calve raises, seated calve raises
Weighted Crunchs, Twist Crunches, Hanging Leglifts
Reverse barbell curls, farmers walk
Palms Away Pullups, Deads, DB Rows, Incline Dumbbell Curls, Barbell Curls, Concentration Curls, Hammer Curls
I'm gonna do 4 x 6-10 for all of these..... Anything I should replace?
Incline barbell Bench, Incline Flyes (Or would flat flyes be better?), Flat Barbell Bench, Dips, Close Grip Bench
Quads & Hams
Squats, Stiffleg Deadlifts, Front Squat, Leg extensions
Military Press, Shrugs, Upright Rows, Front DB raises, Clean & Press
Calves, Abs, Forearms
standing calve raises, seated calve raises
Weighted Crunchs, Twist Crunches, Hanging Leglifts
Reverse barbell curls, farmers walk
Palms Away Pullups, Deads, DB Rows, Incline Dumbbell Curls, Barbell Curls, Concentration Curls, Hammer Curls
I'm gonna do 4 x 6-10 for all of these..... Anything I should replace?