Here's a right-wing nut-jobs point of view of all this drug stuff. For starters, you all have the wrong out look, you all discombobulated!I was in the core from July 1989-July 1993. The drug cartel was out-of-control back then like it is now. My outfit Alpha 19 was sent too Central and South Americas for about 3 months to collaborate with different countries militaries to halt some of the drug movement. (which you don't read in history books) anyway it was a total joke, there was hardly any resistance at all.If the US Gov wanted to wipe out the drug trade they could in 6 months. They don't want too because IMO too many Senators and Congressman have their hand in the cookie jar (kick backs) plus they want all that money flowing through the states. As for legalizing drugs Please! we are the good guys of the world it woundn't look good on our part to the rest of the world. Drugs are here to stay! Too are dismay!