Some people don't respond to it, that's why it didn't work for your friend. I didn't respond to the real ones or china's . Another reason you must chew is due to the size, see how small they are compared to the prescribed.
ive had differing results with it - thought i would try it 4 kicks - well first time took .5 tab - nothing really more than usuall - gave some to her and nothing. started popping one at a time and that did the trick - felt like titanium (stead of the normal granite ). second and third time around it gets right helpfull as well. needless to say she was quite happy (but rather sore and exausted tho)
I only used it once when I got two girls at the same time. Thank god for viagra, or one of the girls wouldn't have been that happy!!!! Now I always have one on hand just in case!!
i just got myself a bunch of them and i have to say that i am not very impressed. the real ones work much better imo. i'm going to try take 2 at the same time though. see how that works