iamfirmin said:
Thanks Sassy your the best... I am curious on your thoughts on Protein shakes.. do you think they are better than food.. ex egg whites chicken breast etc.. I have read all about whey and its is a valuable source of protein.. but some days I just would rather eat CHICKEN
... YOU HAVE HAD A LOT OF EXPERIENCE body building .. what are your thoughts..'
thanks and I am going to your thread too look at your food.. I am losing fat .. and it feels good.. once i plateau i will post my diet ..
Protein shakes -- personally I think "real food" is always better. But it would be a challenge for me to pack 4-5 meals & bring them to work every day. And sometimes I'm just not really that hungry. So a protein shake is a good compromise for gettign your "refuelings" in and they digest quickly so you don't feel majorly full by the next meal. Or, equivalently, if your body is burning like a fine-tuned furnace, you'll be raving starving by the next meal. They are more flexible in that you can put other stuff in them to tweak the "fueling" - e.g. dextrose or fats, glutamine, etc. The challenge is to find an affordable, good-quality brand that you can choke down. If I have to chug "chalk" 2-3 x / day it won't happen. And a final comment is that it is yet another 12 oz of water that goes into the system. Keeps the pipes flushed.
Just to keep this in perspective (LOL), I've done 2 BB shows and attempted a 3rd. I think you will always find that every person you speak to about "how to compete" will have a different approach, so I always like to learn, but can also speak to my experiences -especially to a newbie because I was you when I did my first show, except I didnt' get a lot of direction when it came to the suit, the tanning and really dragged on hair & makeup. I made a point of trying to do this better for the 2nd show and paid more attention to it. Sure I wanted to make a good showing, but for me it started more as a goal for a combined diet / training effort and also a personal challenge to overcome my stage fright.
I got the initial stage fright beat out of me when I got a teaching assistantship in college and had to teach university physics to a bunch of architecture (non-calculus) students who were all older than me. A few rounds of that I could at least hold some authority while yammering about the definition of Torque. But I never felt very graceful up in front of people.
Here's my experience from my first show-- I executed all my quarter turns w/ military precision. I did my routine but definitily wasn't comfortable. This is where the "how to do a show" part comes in if you aren't naturally a "showy" person. I am everything but a "showy" person. The judges are looking for physique, but also confidence on stage, execution of the poses and a smile. Here's where you are supposed to have FUN on the stage. You need to be FUCKING (skuz my french) PROUD OF THE WORK YOU'VE DONE and EXUDE it so the world can see. You have to be like "LOOK AT MY FRIGGEN HUGE SHREDDED QUAD PEOPLE! LOOK! YOU WILL NEVER SEE A QUAD LIKE THIS AGAIN IN YOUR LIFE!" And even give a little smirk to go w/ it. Like "yea baby, you know its big, I know its big, so just give me the damn trophy".
Oh yea, did I mention by the time my group got on stage for the morning pre-judge, a few of us were already 1/2 way into a bottle of red wine? Yea. That helped ALOT with the presentation part. Since I'd already been brought down to about 6 oz of water to sip over the course of the day, my was chewing the sides of my mouth and a nervous wreck. Wine is also a diuretic so it was "acceptable". OK I'd discuss this w/ your trainer more before you go and kill a bottle of Rossi before the prejudge, but it helped w/ getting a little more relaxed.