Haha I like it best of both worlds hey!! Well It's true what they say if everyone was the same the world would be a boring place!.
My girl Is 7 years younger than me and she thought I was crazy when I told her when I came out in 2000 It was the scariest thing I ever had to do I come from a very small community were everyone knows everyone's business and been gay was a terrible thing I only knew of one lesbian at the time and that wasn't because I didn't get out It was because there was only one lol, Now It seems like It's the in thing latest trend because I now no hundreds so just in 1 decade how things have changed in society Is crazy ..........My partner is catholic and her parent regular church goes once over this wouldn't be heard of in a catholic family now it's acceptable.....Bout time too live and let live I say!! I will now jump down from my soap box rant over lol!