Last night was Max Effort Squat/Deadlift night. I tried some new stuff and will definately be adding these in from time to time.
Feet together pin Good Mornings from a 43 inch pin. Worked up in triples going 45, 95, 135, 185, 225, and finished with a double at 275.
Then did bottom position squats as follows: 43 inch pin for 10 reps with 275, 40 inch pin for 5 reps w/275, and 37 inch pin for 5 reps w/ 275. Very tough exercise. Bottom position pausing on the pins every rep is tough. And great, I think, for starting strength.
Then Reverse Hypers for 2 sets of 10 w/mini band.
Then 50 rep set of barbell curls. (ouch)
Then hanging band abs with doubled green band.
Tough workout. Very good one though. I am very unsatisfied overall with my squat depth, and have decided to back way off on weight, work on form, and nail each and every squat low till it becomes habit.
Also quit using suit bottoms for everything except low box squats. Hopefully this will turn over a new leaf.