New member
just finished 2nd leg day this week:
standing calf: 205x15, 265x8, 305x8, 350x8, 395x8, 440x8, 485x8, 530x6
seated calf: 10x10x45lbs, ten sec rest between each set
hack squat: 200x12, 290x12, 340x10, 2 sets 400x10
leg press: 200x12, 290x 12, 380x 12
front squat: 3x95x12
back squat static holds at bottom for 20 sec: 3 times with 95
standing calf: 205x15, 265x8, 305x8, 350x8, 395x8, 440x8, 485x8, 530x6
seated calf: 10x10x45lbs, ten sec rest between each set
hack squat: 200x12, 290x12, 340x10, 2 sets 400x10
leg press: 200x12, 290x 12, 380x 12
front squat: 3x95x12
back squat static holds at bottom for 20 sec: 3 times with 95