the one problem i have with being labeled a sex offender is ive seen guys that are 18 hitting some 15 year old slut poon that looks likes shes 21 and then daddy finds out and the guy is labeled for life
i can have this 15 yr old who is with a 20 yr old guy and then they break it off or what ever and then this gal goes and tells people and the info gets around to mom and dad then oh shit they are pressing charges.....i think that if the girl is willing then there should not be any punishments done.....
Well, in that case....... IF I found out a 20 year old guy was having sex with MY 15 year old daughter then you can rest assured...... he WILL be charged with statutory rape. Regardless if it was consentual.
As a parent (which I'm not) I think 2 years should be the widest age gap allowable for teens, e.g. 14 and 16, 15 and 17, 16 and 18, 17 and 19, and so on....... male or female.
the one problem i have with being labeled a sex offender is ive seen guys that are 18 hitting some 15 year old slut poon that looks likes shes 21 and then daddy finds out and the guy is labeled for life
i read a story of a 17 year old that was having sex with his GF and she was 16 or 17 also. well the minute he turned 18 her parents turned him in for rape. now for the rest of his life he will be labled as such. its not so bad when your young cause you can explain it a bit, but when they guy is 40 and people find out, the first thing they are going to assume is it happened the year before and that he's a serious pedofile.