Again it is not regular glass. It is made from pyrex. The same stuff cookware is made from. it wont shatter either. Unless you are trying to hammer nails into a wall IT WILL NOT BREAK.
Again it is not regular glass. It is made from pyrex. The same stuff cookware is made from. it wont shatter either. Unless you are trying to hammer nails into a wall IT WILL NOT BREAK.
Hey guys/gals my wife sells them. We have used them together and let me tell you they are GREEEEEATT! They dont break. They change temperture when heated or cooled. If anyone wants one let me know. Ill tell my wife
You say that it adjusts to different temps. I heard that they actually hold the temp state that they are in for a while. If you warm it up, say to 98 degrees (or whatever degree you're into) it will stay that temp for around 45 minutes. So, it doesn't change temp that fast. Freak, is this not true?