U sound like a decent Joe!
Very cool Brotha!
I know how hard it is to deal with drunk ASSHOLES - shit, I do NOT know which is worse - them or the SOBER ASSHOLES!!!
Either way, you sound like your initial hunches were on the money and you care a great deal for her. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT will go a looooooooong way, but she has got to want it for herself! I have no clue what to tell you about this as I have never had to help another get over an eating disorder. I can only tell you about MY OWN experience. No matter how badly someone wanted to help me in the past - it had to come from ME. Love her and continue to give her positive reinforcement about being STRONG and SHAPELY.... not so much emphasis on lean, lean, lean. Remember, the pics you see in the mags are shot on a particular day - A MOMENT FOREVER FROZEN IN TIME - NO ONE LOOKS LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME!!!
Like I said, it is hard to watch my striations and vascularity fade, but when it does happen it is because I AM LIVING - drinking and eating LOTS OF YUMMY STUFF - and kind of "putzing around" in the gym.....more like just showing up and bumping my gums, cardio? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? If it doesn't involve sex or shopping -
OOOOOooooooooo, I may actually get to a WHOPPING 18%bf! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! There are lots of guys who find me more appealing at that bf% (Not that I particularly give two shits what lots of guys think - LOL.) Anyways, I know what I will have to do to get the bf where it needs to be. I have no interest in competing just now, so why ON EARTH would I give a shit about what my bf% is? As long as my mirror and the tape measure and my clothing say that I am ALL THAT - GUESS WHAT? I AM!
Many of the newer board members have not been around when I am dieting - TRUST ME - IT AIN'T PRETTY!!!! FUCKING QUEEN BITCH FROM HELL does not even BEGIN to scratch the surface. I once "thought out loud" (meaning I thought it and out of my mouth it came) to an ENTIRE cardio kickboxing class, "My abs are showing I don't NEED to skip rope like you all!" ......The truth was that I was too spaztic to master the skill - I STILL AM. Point being I was so fucking bitchy from all the goddamned cardio and XTREMELY limited diet that I was less than, shall we say TACTFULL!
Ok, I will get off the soapbox and SHUT THE FUCK UP.