I'm running a lose dosed Var only cycle at 30mg/ed for 8 weeks. Yes I know it's almost a pointless cycle as most people say but i've seen others have great strengh gains even at a low dose. It may just be mental but i'm only in my 2nd week and i've noticed my stamina and strengh slightly increasing. I ordered legit generic Nolva and I was just wondering if it was worth taking post cycle or if I would be able to get away with something OTC such as Reversitol. I was wondering what would some signs be that I would know whether to use the Nolva or just go OTC..i've read that Var wont totally shut down your HPTA, especially at lower doses and that it won't aromatize so just let me know your thoughts..
If your going to say anything negative please do not post..thanks guys!!
If your going to say anything negative please do not post..thanks guys!!