Would you mind looking over my diet and work out routine to see where or what I need to tweak to make the most out of what I'm doing?? My diet is as follows:
Breakfast: 1/2" cup oatmeal, 1/2" cup coffee
Snack: protein shake or bar
Lunch: tuna or salad
Snack: fruit or protien bar
Dinner: chicken & a green veggie (usually green beans or peas for a change)
Snack: 1/2" fat free popcorn
Work out routine: All evening work outs
Monday: chest, 20-30 minutes sprints or jog 2-3 miles, work abs
Tuesday: Arms, same cardio, abs
Wednesday: off day
Thursday: shoulders,back, cardio, abs
Friday: legs, cardio, abs
Saturday and Sunday: I may do some cardio, usually my weekends are pretty busy or lazy
My abs I try and hit everyday. Work then in between sets.
And I think that's it. I hope I didn't miss anything. Let me know what you think or what I need to change up or add in. I have a gym in my home so I have no excuses. Just need a little guidance. My husband is a great work out partner! But, as stated above, men's bodies are totally different than womens. And we seem to need to work harder. My results are not a quick as my husbands.