The average reccomended dose is 5g
If I were you I wouldn't bother it aids in a deminishing return fashion and is better suited for cutting.
say you had 50 grams total.
You could take
10grams a day for 5days
5 for 10
2.5 for 20 ect...
You would actually benifit the most from the 2.5 for 20.
Obviously 5 a day would be better than 2.5 a day if you can afford to keep up w/ it. But if the situation is use it longer w/ smaller doses or shorter w/ higher doses choose the former.
(I should not thate that even though supposedly after 5g the deminishing returns really kicks in, some people use 10 or more because they buy it in bulk power form. In bundles of like 2.2IBs for 30-40 in L-glut or peptide form) But from the sounds of it you have it in pill form so it costs, stick to lower doses of longer periods of time you'll get more bang for you buck that way.