Ok thanks for the info casual.
I don't really want to be a bodybuilder, i'll be happy just being around 185lbs w/ 5-8% bodyfat, so gaining mass slowly but dropping my bodyfat is really what I'm after.
Since i'm already fairly lean, should I do AM cardio?
I think i'm gonna do this:
8:00 - 40g whey, water
8:30 - HIIT
Post HIIT - 20g whey, water
11:00 - 1/2 Cup oatmeal, Chicken breast, Milk
1:00 - 40g whey with milk + 2 tbsp Olive Oil
3:00 - Same as 1:00
5:00 - 10oz chicken breast, 1/2 cup oatmeal, Milk
7:30 - 10oz chicken breast
9:30 - 40g whey w/ water
and then on my DC days, i'll just eat like a normal bulk but with pretty low carbs, and high protein.
Are good fats like Olive Oil important when trying to drop your bodyfat % or should I be eating other things instead there?