Hey, I'd just like to introduce myself and say hello to you all. I'm twenty years old and I've maintained quite a healthy lifestyle over the passed yr now, which by the way I'm very proud of. But the reason I'm posting here is because I have a concern that hopefully some of you can help me with. I started taking an ALA/ALC supplement (ALA 200mg ALC 500mg) last Thursday and I would take two of these capsules with two meals throughout the day. The first two days i didn't really have any issues, it was Saturday that got me. After eating my first meal i took the two capsules and i began feeling a burning sensation in my throat and my stomach became quite upset. The burning feeling went, however my stomach remains upset. Since Sat I'm still feeling a bit nauseous, bloated and i have a slight loss of appetite.
I decided to turn here because a lot of you seem very well informed on supplements and nutrition in general. Any help of advice would be real appreciated. Thanks
I decided to turn here because a lot of you seem very well informed on supplements and nutrition in general. Any help of advice would be real appreciated. Thanks