Ok so I used to read this board a lot, never really posted much cuz that's just not my style but this board seemed to me to have the most real info out of many. I'm bored and cruising the net tonight and got on this board for the first time in at least 6 months and came across this thread. Hit on many points I've always though of regarding oral steroids or oral designers and the liver toxicity relating to booze and also tylenol (acetominophin). To skip to the short story, scroll down to the paragraph starting w/ "long story short."
I want to first say that I have no research to back up what I say , it's simply from experience, feel, and common intuitive sense.
I've always thought that the liver toxicity claims of orals such as d-bol, which I've never taken, or designers such as superdrol, I've taken a clone up to 40 mgs in a single dose on a pulse, are a little overblown. Tylenol and booze are ridiculously harsh on the liver, especially in the quantities most people take them in, and people take these for extended periods of time, years even. Oral roids are generally (from what I know) taken in short cycles and at a few pills at a time. My cycle experience is very limited; I've taken 4 "pulse" cycles at 2-3 weeks apiece, pulsing at 3-4 days at a time. 3 were with a superdrol clone (cel m-drol) and one with a pheraplex clone (again cel p-plex). the superdrol I used more and more often, the last two pulses being 3 weeks at 40 mgs; 20mgs 2hrs preworkout and 20 immediately preworkout. so effectively 40 mgs in my system at one time and the only side I ever experienced was racing heartbeat. In addition, I've always been a big drinker; to the extent of 15+ beers, half a fifth of whiskey, or both at the same time. On my last two pulses the awesome feeling I got from training with 40mgs of a super clone in my system got me so amped up I had to got out and chase tail afterwords. That involved drinking, against all good rational advice. I never felt worse the next day that I would have after the same amount of booze w/out the oral.
I've also taken a shitload of different pills, otc's and perscript pain killers (most of which have apap in them) and I've drinken and taken tylenol (or something else w/ apap in it) at the same time and always felt worse than I would have of the booze alone.
Long story short, in my experience, drinking [at least to the extent most drinkers do (6+ drinks in a sitting)] or taking tylenol at even the recomended dosage (2pills at 500mg ea, for spot relief or multiple times a day) is much worse in the long run, given the tendencies of users, than oral steroids. The body is a resilient entity; acute short term stress (orals or even orals w/ occasional drinking) can be recovered from easily but long-term use can cause more drastic problems. Even if we assume the previous sentence is true, I still maintain that the liver toxicity (or more accurately, the negative health effects) of oral/designer steroids is exaggerated compared to drinking (one commonly accepted drink being a shot/beer/glass of wine vs. one standard dose of a given oral). More attention should be paid to the lipid, blood pressure, and cholesterol effects of an oral than the liver damage (not to say precautions such as thistle, liv-52, or whatever shouldn't be taken).
Again, this is my subjective experience, but I felt I had to post up in this just because I've been thinking of it lately.