Drinking spirits that has a darker colour like JD / Whiskey stresses the Liver far worse than Vodka, Rum(white), Gin etc. Of course all are bad. Fact !
the damage from alcohol requires much more abuse over a longer period of time. damage from AAS can happen very rapidly and is very specific, oral steroids cause cholestasis (stopping bile flow from liver to gall bladder) which is easy to diagnose/prevent (change in stool/urine color) but can quickly cause liver damage if allowed to go unchecked. any liver disease that progresses to jaundice can easily be fatal.
Spot on. Once the bile stops, the bilirubin accumulates and before you know it you're turning yellow (jaundice). Been through that already from dianabol. I really did feel like I was going die...took 2 1/2 months to recover in my case.
As stated in 10001110101's post above, you cannot compare the two. They have totally different effects on the liver.
The onset of cholestasis caused by 17-alkylated steroid use can be extremely rapid. That's why the use of orals is always recommended for very short periods only....less than 8 weeks.
Here's another example: The last time I used Tylenol (parecetamol) my bilirubin levels were off the normal scale within 2 days and I was already experiencing pruritus (severe itching) from the rapid onset of cholestasis. Luckily I knew the symptoms and had my bilirubin checked.
You cannot compare the effect of alcohol to other drugs on the liver.
Drinking spirits that has a darker colour like JD / Whiskey stresses the Liver far worse than Vodka, Rum(white), Gin etc. Of course all are bad. Fact !
Color has nothing to do with it, its content. Everclear, even moonshine are clear as water but they are pure grain alcohol. Compare that with something like jagermeister which is pretty much black as tar but only 70 proof. Yes, they are all bad, and color may be one of those slight "rule of thumbs," but using rule of thumbs will get you in trouble.
Interesting read. I'll bump for further discussion. As a former heavy, heavy drinker (at least a 12 pack a day and half a handle of liquor as well) this is an interesting subject. I drank my ass off for 15 years straight and it never had a serious effect on my liver values. The last year I drank my numbers were still normal and that was 4 and a half years ago. The only thing that I noticed was that I was more irritable towards the end so that's when I decided to stop. In other words, it just wasn't fun anymore. By the same token, I have friends who would try to hang with me and would be in pain for days afterwards and one who would throw up blood so I think all of this is subjective as well. It might be the same way with orals, I don't know though.
I personally have never and I mean never heard of someone needing a liver transplant because of steriods. But I've heard of countless alcoholics needing one.
I personally have never and I mean never heard of someone needing a liver transplant because of steriods. But I've heard of countless alcoholics needing one.
Those who require liver transplants due to alcohol abuse arrive to that state by abusing alcohol for decades. I don't think anyone can abuse an oral steroid for decades without dying first.