Two posts and already breaking balls, eh? We don't play the "my cut and paste study is bigger than your cut and paste study" here. I already mentioned it was an estimate. You have proof that's otherwise? Feel free to present it. If not, sit back, shut up, and learn from the vets here.
Have you got proof of this?
There is one single journal that links A-50 to cancer - in that case it was a 14 year old girl on Anadrol 300mg ED for 6 years. I can produce the journal if you like!
Sit down and shut up?
Hmmm, i have a degrees in chemistry and biology and have written a 1st class disseration regarding steroid chemistry etc..?
Just becuase i have few posts doesnt mean i dont know anything.
It's a matter of respect kid. You can offer a contrary point of view( which you still havn't done) but when you come off all confrontational and pissy with nothing else to offer other than being a dick, you're off to a bad start. I know that crap works on the kiddie boards like but not here. Too many vets.
I never said anything about cancer so I'm not sure where that's coming from. And please don't make multiple posts or have your friend with 7 posts egg you on.
You have a degree in chemistry and biology? Great, put it to good use and stop being an ass.