Slut vs. Sexually Aggressive
Sassy69 said:
what is the line between a woman being "aggressive in bed" and "slutty"?
They are two different things.
Slutty means is willing to be
f'd by almost any male animal. Literally.
Indiscriminating. which means you will let any male animal bang your lights out and every male which bangs you is equal in your eyes. You are a slut and not discrimating. Your are
not prejudical in the traditional Burkean sense, of
being very selective in your tastes. (e.g. aristocratic prejudice, aristo meaning "best." Aristocrats (The Best) are prejudical).
Agressive means that she is "skilled".
She is discriminating. She does not choose any wine, but only drinks the finest. Not the cheap 40 ouncer, but the imported Lowenbrau.
She does not let fate determine her lot. She chooses her own fate by pursing the guy
she wants not picking the sorry chump losers who grovel at her feet. I feel sorry for most women. They do the latter. Few do the former and get what they want.
Slutty women are not discriminating in who f's them. They just want to be f'd. They are like female pigs in heat.
The become spiritually and physically DIRTY. and are like pigs who love living in dirt. Sexually aggressive women
set their targets on their prey, and are aggressive and effective in their pursuit and once they are in position, they satisfy a man to the extent, the man would NEVER WANT to stray. She is that good, spiritually
CLEAN and PURE and
worth keeping. Two examples are Cleopatra's seduction of Julius Ceasar and Josphine Beanarias seduction/marriage of Napolean Bonaparte.
I do background checks with her family and friends if I want her in a LTR.

I like girls who are selective. Its hard to quantify, but they are alot better in bed (tighter pussy normally and cleaner, yo which makes the relationship and sexual expience, once you have experienced it, the only kind I will accept.).
Why waste time and money on a scanky slut.